About Me

Hi! I'm Mark Apinis, and welcome! I'm a recent graduate of Northeastern University with both my B.S. in computer science and biology (2023) and M.S. in bioinformatics (2024).

I am passionate about everything involving software, data, programming, genetics, and fighting disease, and especially the intersection of it all with computational science and bioinformatics. Previously, I've worked at Intuit, Novartis, Moderna, and my college as a TA for computer science courses.

In my spare time, I like to lift, do anything outside (especially hiking and camping), play tennis, take photos, and explore. I'm a huge advocate for walkable and transit-oriented development, and I love to bike or take the train to do everything from traveling to running errands.

Some Things I'm Good At

  • Programming efficiently and smartly in all sorts of languages
  • Modern software development stacks
  • Math and statistics
  • Learning quickly
  • Breaking complex topics down into teachable chunks
  • Understanding genetics and cellular processes
  • Cooking

Some Things I'm Getting Better At

  • Everything I'm good at, plus
  • Servers and networking
  • Machine learning and AI, especially for biological modeling
  • Wider and deeper biology
  • Recreational reading
  • Disc golf
  • Photography

Some Albums I Recommend

  • Driveways - October Forever
  • Charli xcx - BRAT
  • Bleachers - Strange Desire
  • A Story Told - Good Looks
  • Judah & the Lion - The Process
  • FLETCHER - In Search of the Antidote
  • Waterparks - Double Dare
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